Source code for compoundpi.client

# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 fileencoding=utf-8:

# Copyright 2014 Dave Hughes <>.
# This file is part of compoundpi.
# compoundpi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# compoundpi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# compoundpi.  If not, see <>.

"Implements the client network interface"

from __future__ import (
native_str = str
str = type('')
    from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:

import sys
import re
import warnings
import datetime
import time
import random
import threading
import logging
import select
import struct
import socket
    # Py2 compat
    import SocketServer as socketserver
except ImportError:
    import socketserver
import inspect
from functools import wraps, total_ordering
from fractions import Fraction
from collections import namedtuple
    # Py2 compat
    from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest
except ImportError:
    from itertools import zip_longest

from . import __version__
from .ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Network
from .common import NetworkRepeater
from .protocol import CompoundPiProtocol
from .exc import (

[docs]class Resolution(namedtuple('Resolution', ('width', 'height'))): """ Represents an image resolution. .. attribute:: width The width of the resolution as an integer value. .. attribute:: height The height of the resolution as an integer value. """ __slots__ = () def __str__(self): return '%dx%d' % (self.width, self.height)
[docs]class CompoundPiStatus(namedtuple('CompoundPiStatus', ( 'resolution', 'framerate', 'awb_mode', 'awb_red', 'awb_blue', 'agc_mode', 'agc_analog', 'agc_digital', 'exposure_mode', 'exposure_speed', 'iso', 'metering_mode', 'brightness', 'contrast', 'saturation', 'ev', 'hflip', 'vflip', 'denoise', 'timestamp', 'files', ))): """ This class is a namedtuple derivative used to store the status of a Compound Pi server. It is recommended you access the information stored by this class by attribute name rather than position (for example: ``status.resolution`` rather than ``status[0]``). .. attribute:: resolution Returns the current resolution of the camera as a :class:`Resolution` tuple. .. attribute:: framerate Returns the current framerate of the camera as a :class:`~fractions.Fraction`. .. attribute:: awb_mode Returns the current white balance mode of the camera as a lower case string. See :meth:`CompoundPiClient.awb` for valid values. .. attribute:: awb_red Returns the current red gain of the camera's white balance as a floating point value. If :attr:`awb_mode` is ``'off'`` this is a fixed value. Otherwise, it is the current gain being used by the configured auto white balance mode. .. attribute:: awb_blue Returns the current blue gain of the camera's white balance as a floating point value. If :attr:`awb_mode` is ``'off'`` this is a fixed value. Otherwise, it is the current gain being used by the configured auto white balance mode. .. attribute:: agc_mode Returns the current auto-gain mode of the camera as a lower case string. See :meth:`CompoundPiClient.agc` for valid values. .. attribute:: agc_analog Returns the current analog gain applied by the camera. If :attr:`agc_mode` is ``'off'`` this is a fixed (but uneditable) value. Otherwise, it is a value which varies according to the selected AGC algorithm. .. attribute:: agc_digital Returns the current digital gain used by the camera. If :attr:`agc_mode` is ``'off'`` this is a fixed (but uneditable) value. Otherwise, it is a value which varies according to the selected AGC algorithm. .. attribute:: exposure_mode Returns the current exposure mode of the camera as a lower case string. See :meth:`CompoundPiClient.exposure` for valid values. .. attribute:: exposure_speed Returns the current exposure speed of the camera as a floating point value measured in milliseconds. .. attribute:: iso Returns the camera's ISO setting as an integer value. This will be one of 0 (indicating automatic), 100, 200, 320, 400, 500, 640, or 800. .. attribute:: metering_mode Returns the camera's metering mode as a lower case string. See :meth:`CompoundPiClient.metering` for valid values. .. attribute:: brightness Returns the camera's brightness level as an integer value between 0 and 100. .. attribute:: contrast Returns the camera's contrast level as an integer value between -100 and 100. .. attribute:: saturation Returns the camera's saturation level as an integer value between -100 and 100. .. attribute:: ev Returns the camera's exposure compensation value as an integer value measured in 1/6ths of a stop. Hence, 24 indicates the camera's compensation is +4 stops, while -12 indicates -2 stops. .. attribute:: hflip Returns a boolean value indicating whether the camera's orientation is horizontally flipped. .. attribute:: vflip Returns a boolean value indicating whether the camera's orientation is vertically flipped. .. attribute:: denoise Returns a boolean value indicating whether the camera's denoise algorithm is active when capturing. .. attribute:: timestamp Returns a :class:`~datetime.datetime` instance representing the time at which the server received the :ref:`protocol_status` message. Due to network latencies there is little point comparing this to the client's current timestamp. However, if the :ref:`protocol_status` message was broadcast to all servers, it can be useful to calculate the maximum difference in the server's timestamps to determine whether any servers have lost time sync. .. attribute:: files Returns an integer number indicating the number of files currently stored in the server's memory. """
[docs]class CompoundPiFile(namedtuple('CompoundPiFile', ( 'filetype', 'index', 'timestamp', 'size', ))): """ This class is a namedtuple derivative used to store information about an files stored in the memory of a Compound Pi server. It is recommended you access the information stored by this class by attribute name rather than position (for example: ``f.size`` rather than ``f[3]``). .. attribute:: filetype Specifies what sort of file this is. Can be one of ``IMAGE``, ``VIDEO``, or ``MOTION``. .. attribute:: index Specifies the index of the file on the server. This is the index that should be passed to :meth:`` in order to retrieve this file. .. attribute:: timestamp Specifies the timestamp on the server at which the file was captured as a :class:`~datetime.datetime` instance. .. attribute:: size Specifies the size of the file as an integer number of bytes. """
def client(cls): """ Decorator to convert CompoundPiProtocol into CompoundPiClientProtocol. The client decorator is relatively simple; for each declared handler method the body of the method is re-written to convert each argument according to its defined type, then format the resulting command and arguments into a command string which is returned. """ def client_message(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): argspec = inspect.getargspec(fn) callargs = inspect.getcallargs(fn, *args, **kwargs) return '{command} {params}'.format( command=fn.command, params=','.join( '' if value is None else str(value) for arg, conv in zip(argspec.args[1:], fn.params) for value in (None if callargs[arg] is None else conv(callargs[arg]),) ) ).rstrip() return wrapper for name, fn in cls.__mro__[1].__dict__.items(): if hasattr(fn, 'command'): setattr(cls, name, client_message(fn)) return cls @client class CompoundPiClientProtocol(CompoundPiProtocol): """ Generator for Compound Pi protocol messages. This class is generated automatically from the description of the syntax in :mod:`compoundpi.protocol`. Methods are provided for each protocol message. When called with the appropriate arguments for the message (which are type-checked according to the protocol spec), each method will return the correctly formatted protocol message. """ pass @total_ordering
[docs]class CompoundPiServerList(object): """ Manages the list of servers under the control of the client. The server list can be accessed via the :attr:`CompoundPiClient.servers` attribute. The list of defined servers can be manipulated with the familiar :meth:`append`, :meth:`remove`, and :meth:`extend` methods, and individual entries can be replaced by assigning to them or deleted with :keyword:`del` in the usual manner. The :meth:`find` method can be used to discover available servers on the subnet via broadcast. The list can be iterated over as usual, in reverse order with :func:`reversed`, and can be sorted with the :meth:`sort` method just like a normal list. Where the server list differs from a typical Python list is firstly that no duplicate addresses are permitted (in this manner, it is akin to a set). Secondly, while addresses can be added in string format, all addresses within the list will be converted to :class:`~ipaddress.IPv4Address` instances (which can be coerced back to strings for display purposes). Furthermore, a :meth:`move` method is provided to reposition existing addresses within the list. This is provided because adding new addresses to the list (via :meth:`append`, :meth:`extend`, or :meth:`find` implicitly causes a :ref:`protocol_hello` message to be transmitted to the new servers to ensure they are alive and understand the correct version of the network protocol), so removing then re-inserting existing entries to move them is inefficient, whilst re-inserting then removing isn't permitted due to the prevention of duplicates. You may also assign to the :attr:`CompoundPiClient.servers` attribute to re-order or completely redefine the list. Re-ordering in this case will be done efficiently. .. warning:: Upon construction, the assumes the local network is Because this class utilizes UDP broadcast packets, it is crucial that the network configuration (including the network mask) is set correctly. If the default network is wrong (which is most likely the case), you must correct it before issuing any commands. This can be done by setting the :attr:`network` attribute. The class assumes the servers are listening on UDP port 5647 by default. This can be altered via the :attr:`port` attribute. """ def __init__(self, progress): self._protocol = CompoundPiClientProtocol() self._seqno = 0 self._items = [] self._senders = {} self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) self._progress = progress = '' self.port = 5647 self.timeout = 15 def __repr__(self): return '[%s]' % ', '.join(repr(a) for a in self) def __len__(self): return len(self._items) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._items) def __reversed__(self): return reversed(self._items) def __contains__(self, address): try: self.index(address) except ValueError: return False else: return True def __getitem__(self, index): return self._items[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): # XXX What about slice? if isinstance(index, slice): raise NotImplementedError self.remove(self._items[index]) self.insert(index, value) def __delitem__(self, index): self.remove(self._items[index]) def __le__(self, other): count = 0 for count, (i, j) in enumerate(zip(self, other), start=1): if i < j: return True elif i > j: return False return count == len(self) def __eq__(self, other): for i, j in zip_longest(self, other): if i != j: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _get_port(self): return self._port def _set_port(self, value): self._port = int(value) port = property(_get_port, _set_port, doc=""" Defines the server port that the client will broadcast to. This attribute defaults to 5647 meaning that the client will send broadcasts to Compound Pi servers which are assumed to be listening for messages on port 5647. If you have configured :ref:`cpid` differently, simply assign a different value to this attribute. For example:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: client.servers.port = 8080 .. note:: The port of the client's bound socket (see :attr:`CompoundPiClient.bind` doesn't need to match the server's port. Both simply default to 5647 for the sake of simplicity. """) def _get_network(self): return self._network def _set_network(self, value): self._network = IPv4Network(value) self._items = [] network = property(_get_network, _set_network, doc=""" Defines the network that all servers belong to. This attribute defaults to ```` meaning that the client assumes all servers belong to the network beginning with ``192.168.`` and accept broadcast packets with the address ````. If this is incorrect (which is likely the case), assign the correct network configuration as a string (in CIDR or network/mask notation) to this attribute. A common configuration is:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' Note that the network mask *must* be correct for broadcast packets to operate correctly. It is not enough for the network prefix alone to be correct. Querying this attribute will return a :class:`~ipaddress.IPv4Network` object which can be converted to a string, or enumerated to discover all potential addresses within the defined network. """) def _get_timeout(self): return self._timeout def _set_timeout(self, value): self._timeout = int(value) timeout = property(_get_timeout, _set_timeout, doc=""" Defines the timeout for responses to commands. This attribute specifies the length of time that the client will wait for all servers to complete a command and return a response. If all servers have not replied within the specified number of seconds a :exc:`CompoundPiTransactionFailed` error will be raised. """) def index(self, address): if not isinstance(address, IPv4Address): address = IPv4Address(address) return self._items.index(address) def count(self, address): return int(address in self)
[docs] def insert(self, index, address): """ Called to explicitly add a server *address* to the client's list at the specified *index*. Before the server is added, the client will send a :ref:`protocol_hello` to verify that the server is alive. You can query the servers in the client's list by treating the list as an iterable:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.insert(0, '') assert len(client.servers) == 1 assert '' in client.servers Attempting to add an address that is already present in the client's list will raise a :exc:`CompoundPiRedefinedServer` error. """ if not isinstance(address, IPv4Address): address = IPv4Address(address) if address in self: raise CompoundPiRedefinedServer(address) self._seqno += 1 data = '%d %s' % (self._seqno, self._protocol.do_hello(time.time())) self._send_command( (str(address), self.port), self._seqno, data) response = self._parse_ping(self._responses({address})) if not address in response: raise CompoundPiTransactionFailed([ CompoundPiMissingResponse(address) ]) self._items.insert(index, address)
[docs] def append(self, address): """ Called to explicitly add a server *address* to the client's list. This is equivalent to insertion at the end of the list:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.append('') assert len(client.servers) == 1 assert '' in client.servers Attempting to add an address that is already present in the client's list will raise a :exc:`CompoundPiRedefinedServer` error. """ self.insert(len(self), address)
[docs] def extend(self, addresses): """ Called to add multiple servers to the client's list. The *addresses* parameter must be an iterable of addresses to add. """ for address in addresses: self.append(address)
[docs] def remove(self, address): """ Called to explicitly remove a server *address* from the client's list. Nothing is sent to a server that is removed from the list. If the server is still active on the client's network after removal it will continue to receive broadcast packets but the client will ignore any responses from the server. .. warning:: Please note that this may cause unexpected issues. For example, such a server (active but unknown to a client) may capture images in response to a broadcast :ref:`protocol_capture` message. For this reason it is recommended that you shut down any servers that you do not intend to communicate with. Future versions of the protocol may include explicit disconnection messages to mitigate this issue. Attempting to remove an address that is not present in the client's list will raise a :exc:`ValueError`. """ if not isinstance(address, IPv4Address): address = IPv4Address(address) self._items.remove(address)
[docs] def move(self, index, address): """ Called to move *address* (which must already be present within the server list) to *index*. Positioning is as for :meth:`insert`; the specified *address* will be moved so that it occupies *index* and all later entries will be moved down. """ self._items.insert(index, self._items.pop(self.index(address)))
[docs] def reverse(self): """ Reverses the order of the servers in the list. """ self._items.reverse()
[docs] def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False): """ Sorts the servers in the list according to the specified *key* comparison function. If *reverse* is True, the order of the sort is reversed. """ self._items.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
[docs] def find(self, count=0): """ Called to discover servers on the client's network. The :meth:`find` method broadcasts a :ref:`protocol_hello` message to the currently configured network. If called with no expected *count*, the method then waits for the network :attr:`timeout` (default 15 seconds) and adds all servers that replied to the broadcast to the client's list. If called with an expected *count* value, the method will terminate as soon as *count* servers have replied. .. note:: If *count* servers don't reply, no exception will be raised. Therefore it is important to check the length of the list after calling :meth:`find`. For example:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.find(10) assert len(client.servers) == 10 print('Found 10 clients:') for addr in client.servers: print(str(addr)) This method or the :meth:`append` method are usually the first methods called after construction and configuration of the client instance. """ self._items = [] self._seqno += 1 data = '%d %s' % (self._seqno, self._protocol.do_hello(time.time())) self._send_command( (str(, self.port), self._seqno, data) self._items = self._parse_ping(self._responses(count=count))
def _parse_ping(self, responses): addresses = list(responses.keys()) for address, (result, response) in responses.items(): response = response.strip() if result == 'OK': if response != 'VERSION %s' % __version__: warnings.warn(CompoundPiWrongVersion(address, response)) addresses.remove(address) else: warnings.warn(CompoundPiHelloError(address, response)) addresses.remove(address) return addresses def _send_command(self, address, seqno, data): assert self._protocol.request_re.match(data) logging.debug('%s Tx %s', address, data) if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-8') self._senders[(address, seqno)] = NetworkRepeater( self._socket, address, data) def _responses(self, servers=None, count=0): if servers is None: servers = self._items if not count: count = len(servers) if not servers: servers = if not count: count = sum(1 for a in self._progress.start(count) result = {} start = time.time() try: while time.time() - start < self.timeout: self._progress.update(len(result)) if[self._socket], [], [], 1)[0]: data, server_address = self._socket.recvfrom(512) data = data.decode('utf-8') logging.debug('%s Rx %s', server_address, data) match = self._protocol.response_re.match(data) address, port = server_address address = IPv4Address(address) if port != self.port: warnings.warn(CompoundPiWrongPort(address, port)) elif address in result: warnings.warn(CompoundPiMultiResponse(address)) elif address not in servers: warnings.warn(CompoundPiUnknownAddress(address)) elif not match: warnings.warn(CompoundPiBadResponse(address)) else: seqno = int('seqno')) # Unconditionally send an ACK to silence the responder # of whatever server sent the message ack_msg = ('%d ACK' % seqno).encode('utf-8') self._socket.sendto(ack_msg, server_address) # Silence the sender that the response corresponds # to (if any) sender = self._senders.get((server_address, seqno)) if sender: sender.terminate = True # We deliberately don't join() the sender here # to ensure we don't delay receiving the next # response if seqno < self._seqno: warnings.warn(CompoundPiStaleResponse(address)) elif seqno > self._seqno: warnings.warn(CompoundPiFutureResponse(address)) else: result[address] = ('result'),'data'), ) if len(result) == count: break self._progress.update(len(result)) return result finally: while self._senders: _, sender = self._senders.popitem() sender.terminate = True sender.join() self._progress.finish() def transact(self, data, addresses=None): if addresses is None: if not self._items: raise CompoundPiNoServers() addresses = set(self._items) else: addresses = set( addr if isinstance(addr, IPv4Address) else IPv4Address(addr) for addr in addresses ) if addresses - set(self._items): raise CompoundPiUndefinedServers(addresses - set(self._items)) errors = [] self._seqno += 1 data = '%d %s' % (self._seqno, data) if addresses == set(self._items): self._send_command( (str(, self.port), self._seqno, data) else: for address in addresses: self._send_command( (str(address), self.port), self._seqno, data) responses = self._responses(addresses) for address in addresses: try: result, response = responses[address] except KeyError: errors.append(CompoundPiMissingResponse(address)) else: responses[address] = response if result == 'ERROR': errors.append(CompoundPiServerError(address, response)) elif result != 'OK': errors.append(CompoundPiInvalidResponse(address)) if errors: raise CompoundPiTransactionFailed(errors) return responses
class CompoundPiProgressHandler(object): """ Progress handler class for the Compound Pi client. This class is used by Compound Pi to "mock out" any progress handler methods missing from the user's specified progress handler object for the purpose of keeping the client code simple. There is generally no need for end users to utilise this class. """ def __init__(self, handler=None): if handler is not None: if hasattr(handler, 'start'): self.start = handler.start if hasattr(handler, 'update'): self.update = handler.update if hasattr(handler, 'finish'): self.finish = handler.finish def start(self, count): logging.debug('progress.start fallback called') def update(self, count): logging.debug('progress.update fallback called') def finish(self): logging.debug('progress.finish fallback called')
[docs]class CompoundPiClient(object): """ Implements a network client for Compound Pi servers. The optional *progress* parameter provides an object which will be notified of long client operations. When the client begins a long operation it will call the ``start`` method of the object with a single parameter indicating the number of expected operations to complete. As the operation progresses, the object's ``update`` method will be called with a parameter indicating the current operation (the ``update`` method may be called multiple times with the same number, but it will never decrease within the span of one operation, and it will never exceed the count passed to ``start``). To terminate a long operation prematurely, :keyword:`raise` an exception in the ``update`` method. Finally, the object's ``finish`` routine will be called with no parameters (if the ``start`` method is called, the ``finish`` method is guaranteed to be called). Before controlling any Compound Pi servers, the client must either be told the addresses of the servers, or discover them via broadcast. The :attr:`servers` attribute is the list of available servers. Servers can be defined manually, or discovered by broadcast. See the :class:`CompoundPiServerList` documentation for further information. Various methods are provided for configuring and controlling the cameras on the Compound Pi servers (:meth:`resolution`, :meth:`framerate`, :meth:`exposure`, :meth:`capture`, etc). Each method optionally accepts a set of addresses to operate on. If omitted, the command is applied to all servers that the client knows about (via a broadcast packet). The one exception to this is the :meth:`download` method for retrieving captured images. For the sake of efficiency this is expected to operate against one server at a time, so the *address* parameter is mandatory. The class listens on port 5647 on all available interfaces for download transmissions. If this is incorrect (or if you wish to limit the interfaces that the client listens on), adjust the :attr:`bind` attribute. When you are finished with the client, you must call the :meth:`close` method which shuts down the listening socket and server thread. Failure to do so will likely cause your application or script to hang (the server thread is deliberately not marked as a daemon thread, so your script will not terminate while it is still active). For example:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient client = CompoundPiClient() try: client.servers.find(10) client.capture() finally: client.close() The client class can be used as a context handler to ensure this happens implicitly:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: client.servers.find(10) client.capture() """ def __init__(self, progress=None): self._protocol = CompoundPiClientProtocol() self._server = None self._server_thread = None self._servers = CompoundPiServerList(CompoundPiProgressHandler(progress)) self.bind = ('', 5647)
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the client. This must be called once you are finished using the client to ensure that the background thread used for receiving downloaded data is shut down along with its listening socket. You can use the class as a context handler to ensure this happens easily:: import compoundpi.client with compoundpi.client.CompoundPiClient() as client: # When this block terminates, close() will be called # implicitly client.servers.find(10) """ self.servers = [] self.bind = None
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.close() def _get_servers(self): return self._servers def _set_servers(self, value): value = [ a if isinstance(a, IPv4Address) else IPv4Address(a) for a in value ] added = set(value) - set(self._servers) for address in added: self._servers.append(address) removed = set(self._servers) - set(value) for address in removed: self._servers.remove(address) if len(value) != len(self._servers): raise ValueError('duplicate addresses in servers') for index, address in value: self._servers.move(index, address) servers = property(_get_servers, _set_servers, doc=""" Stores the list of servers that the client controls. See :class:`CompoundPiServerList` for full documentation of the methods of the server list. For most purposes you can treat this as a normal Python list (e.g. :meth:`~CompoundPiServerList.append`, :meth:`~CompoundPiServerList.remove`, along with item access, length, etc). However, duplicate entries are not permitted, and there are a few extra methods like :meth:`~CompoundPiServerList.find` and :meth:`~CompoundPiServerList.move`. This property is also writeable; setting it to a list of addresses will cause the server list to insert, remove, and move addresses as necessary to match the specified list. For example, this is a valid way to add a series of addresses to the list:: import compoundpi.client with compoundpi.client.CompoundPiClient() as client: client.servers = [ '192.168.0.%d' % i for i in range(1, 11)] """) def _get_bind(self): if self._server: return self._server.socket.getsockname() def _set_bind(self, value): if self._server: self._server.shutdown() self._server.socket.close() self._server_thread = None self._server = None if value is not None: self._server = CompoundPiDownloadServer(value, CompoundPiDownloadHandler) self._server.event = threading.Event() self._server.source = None self._server.output = None self._server.exception = None self._server.progress = self._servers._progress self._server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._server.serve_forever) self._server_thread.start() bind = property(_get_bind, _set_bind, doc=""" Defines the port and interfaces the client will listen to for responses. This attribute defaults to ``('', 5647)`` meaning that the client defaults to listening on port 5647 on all available network interfaces for responses from Compound Pi servers (the special address ```` means "all available interfaces"). If you wish to change the port, or limit the interfaces the client listens to, assign a tuple of ``(address, port)`` to this attribute. For example:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: client.bind = ('', 8000) Querying this attribute will return a 2-tuple of the current address and port that the client is listening on. .. note:: The port of the client's bound socket doesn't need to match the server's port. Both simply default to 5647 for the sake of simplicity. """) status_re = re.compile( r'RESOLUTION (?P<width>\d+),(?P<height>\d+)\n' r'FRAMERATE (?P<rate>\d+(/\d+)?)\n' r'AWB (?P<awb_mode>[a-z]+),(?P<awb_red>\d+(/\d+)?),(?P<awb_blue>\d+(/\d+)?)\n' r'AGC (?P<agc_mode>[a-z]+),(?P<agc_analog>\d+(/\d+)?),(?P<agc_digital>\d+(/\d+)?)\n' r'EXPOSURE (?P<exp_mode>[a-z]+),(?P<exp_speed>\d+(\.\d+)?)\n' r'ISO (?P<iso>\d+)\n' r'METERING (?P<metering_mode>[a-z]+)\n' r'BRIGHTNESS (?P<brightness>\d+)\n' r'CONTRAST (?P<contrast>-?\d+)\n' r'SATURATION (?P<saturation>-?\d+)\n' r'EV (?P<ev>-?\d+)\n' r'FLIP (?P<hflip>0|1),(?P<vflip>0|1)\n' r'DENOISE (?P<denoise>0|1)\n' r'TIMESTAMP (?P<time>\d+(\.\d+)?)\n' r'FILES (?P<files>\d{,3})\n')
[docs] def status(self, addresses=None): """ Called to determine the status of servers. The :meth:`status` method queries all servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted) for their camera configurations. It returns a mapping of address to :class:`CompoundPiStatus` named tuples. For example:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.find(10) print('Configured resolutions:') for address, status in client.status().items(): print('%s: %dx%d' % ( address, status.resolution.width, status.resolution.height, )) """ responses = [ (address, self.status_re.match(data)) for (address, data) in self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_status(), addresses).items() ] errors = [] result = {} for address, match in responses: if match is None: errors.append(CompoundPiInvalidResponse(address)) else: result[address] = CompoundPiStatus( resolution=Resolution(int('width')), int('height'))), framerate=Fraction('rate')),'awb_mode'), awb_red=Fraction('awb_red')), awb_blue=Fraction('awb_blue')),'agc_mode'), agc_analog=Fraction('agc_analog')), agc_digital=Fraction('agc_digital')),'exp_mode'), exposure_speed=float('exp_speed')), ev=int('ev')), iso=int('iso')),'metering_mode'), brightness=int('brightness')), contrast=int('contrast')), saturation=int('saturation')), hflip=bool(int('hflip'))), vflip=bool(int('vflip'))), denoise=bool(int('denoise'))), timestamp=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float('time'))), files=int('files')), ) if errors: raise CompoundPiTransactionFailed( errors, '%d invalid status responses' % len(errors)) return result
[docs] def resolution(self, width, height, addresses=None): """ Called to change the camera resolution on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *width* and *height* parameters are integers defining the new resolution. For example:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.find(10) client.resolution(1280, 720) """ self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_resolution(width, height), addresses)
[docs] def framerate(self, rate, addresses=None): """ Called to change the camera framerate on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *rate* parameter is the new framerate specified as a numeric value (e.g. :func:`int`, :func:`float` or :class:`~fractions.Fraction`). For example:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.find(10) client.framerate(24) """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_framerate(rate), addresses)
[docs] def awb(self, mode, red=0.0, blue=0.0, addresses=None): """ Called to change the white balance on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *mode* parameter specifies the new white balance mode as a string. Valid values are: * ``'auto'`` * ``'cloudy'`` * ``'flash'`` * ``'fluorescent'`` * ``'horizon'`` * ``'incandescent'`` * ``'off'`` * ``'shade'`` * ``'sunlight'`` * ``'tungsten'`` If the special value ``'off'`` is given as the *mode*, the *red* and *blue* parameters specify the red and blue gains of the camera manually as floating point values between 0.0 and 8.0. Reasonable values for red and blue gains can be discovered easily by setting *mode* to ``'auto'``, waiting a while to let the camera settle, then querying the current gain by calling :meth:`status`. For example:: from time import sleep from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.find(10) # Pick an arbitrary camera to determine white balance gains and # set it auto white balance addr = client.servers[0] client.awb('auto', addresses=addr) # Wait a few seconds to let the camera measure the scene sleep(2) # Query the camera's gains and fix all cameras gains accordingly status = client.status(addresses=addr)[addr] client.awb('off', status.awb_red, status.awb_blue) """ self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_awb(mode, red, blue), addresses)
[docs] def agc(self, mode, addresses=None): """ Called to change the automatic gain control on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *mode* parameter specifies the new exposure mode as a string. Valid values are: * ``'antishake'`` * ``'auto'`` * ``'backlight'`` * ``'beach'`` * ``'fireworks'`` * ``'fixedfps'`` * ``'night'`` * ``'nightpreview'`` * ``'off'`` * ``'snow'`` * ``'sports'`` * ``'spotlight'`` * ``'verylong'`` .. note:: When *mode* is set to ``'off'`` the analog and digital gains reported by :meth:`status` will become fixed. Any other mode causes them to vary according to the selected algorithm. Unfortunately, at present, the camera firmware provides no means for forcing the gains to a particular value (in contrast to AWB and exposure speed). """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_agc(mode), addresses)
[docs] def exposure(self, mode, speed=0, addresses=None): """ Called to change the exposure on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *mode* parameter specifies the new exposure mode as a string. Valid values are: * ``'auto'`` * ``'off'`` The *speed* parameter specifies the exposure speed manually as a floating point value measured in milliseconds. Reasonable exposure speeds can be discovered easily by setting *mode* to ``'auto'``, waiting a while to let the camera settle, then querying the current speed by calling :meth:`status`. For example:: from time import sleep from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.find(10) # Pick an arbitrary camera to determine exposure speed and set it # to auto addr = client.servers[0] client.exposure('auto', addresses=addr) # Wait a few seconds to let the camera measure the scene sleep(2) # Query the camera's exposure speed and fix all cameras accordingly status = client.status(addresses=addr)[addr] client.exposure('off', speed=status.exposure_speed) """ self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_exposure(mode, speed), addresses)
[docs] def metering(self, mode, addresses=None): """ Called to change the metering algorithm on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *mode* parameter specifies the new metering mode as a string. Valid values are: * ``'average'`` * ``'backlit'`` * ``'matrix'`` * ``'spot'`` """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_metering(mode), addresses)
[docs] def iso(self, value, addresses=None): """ Called to change the ISO setting on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *mode* parameter specifies the new ISO settings as an integer value. values are 0 (meaning auto), 100, 200, 320, 400, 500, 640, and 800. """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_iso(value), addresses)
[docs] def brightness(self, value, addresses=None): """ Called to change the brightness level on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The new level is specified an integer between 0 and 100. """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_brightness(value), addresses)
[docs] def contrast(self, value, addresses=None): """ Called to change the contrast level on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The new level is specified an integer between -100 and 100. """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_contrast(value), addresses)
[docs] def saturation(self, value, addresses=None): """ Called to change the saturation level on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The new level is specified an integer between -100 and 100. """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_saturation(value), addresses)
[docs] def ev(self, value, addresses=None): """ Called to change the exposure compensation (EV) level on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The new level is specified an integer between -24 and 24 where each increment represents 1/6th of a stop. """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_ev(value), addresses)
[docs] def flip(self, horizontal, vertical, addresses=None): """ Called to change the orientation of the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *horizontal* and *vertical* parameters are boolean values indicating whether to flip the camera's output along the corresponding axis. The default for both parameters is ``False``. """ self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_flip(horizontal, vertical), addresses)
[docs] def denoise(self, value, addresses=None): """ Called to change whether the firmware's denoise algorithm is active on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *value* is a simple boolean, which defaults to ``True``. """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_denoise(value), addresses)
[docs] def capture(self, count=1, video_port=False, quality=None, delay=None, addresses=None): """ Called to capture images on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The optional *count* parameter is an integer value defining how many sequential images to capture, which defaults to 1. The optional *video_port* parameter defaults to ``False`` which indicates that the camera's slow, but high quality still port should be used for capture. If set to ``True``, the faster, lower quality video port will be used instead. This is particularly useful with *count* greater than 1 for capturing high motion scenes. The optional *delay* parameter defaults to ``None`` which indicates that all servers should capture images immediately upon receipt of the :ref:`protocol_capture` message. When using broadcast messages (when *addresses* is omitted) this typically results in near simultaneous captures, especially with fast, low latency networks like ethernet. If *delay* is set to a small floating point value measured in seconds, it indicates that the servers should synchronize their captures to a timestamp (the client calculates the timestamp as *now* + *delay* seconds). This functionality assumes that the servers all have accurate clocks which are reasonably in sync with the client's clock; a typical configuration is to run an NTP server on the client machine, and an NTP client on each of the Compound Pi servers. .. note:: Note that this method merely causes the servers to capture images. The captured images are stored in RAM on the servers for later retrieval with the :meth:`download` method. """ if delay: delay = time.time() + delay else: delay = None self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_capture(count, video_port, quality, delay), addresses)
[docs] def record(self, length, format='h264', quality=None, bitrate=None, intra_period=None, motion_output=False, delay=None, addresses=None): """ Called to record video on the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The *length* parameter specifies the time (in seconds) to record for. This may be a decimal value. The optional *format* parameter specifies the video codec to use. This defaults to ``'h264'`` but may also be set to ``'mjpeg'``. The optional *quality* parameter specifies the quality that the codec will attempt to maintain. This is an integer value between 1 and 40 for ``h264`` (lower values are better), or an integer value between 1 and 100 for ``mjpeg`` (higher values are better). The default provides "good" quality. The optional *bitrate* parameter specifies the limit of data that the codec is allowed to produce. The default is extremely high to ensure bitrate limiting never occurs by default. The optional *intra_period* parameter is only valid with the ``h264`` format and specifies the number of frames in a GOP (group of pictures). As a GOP always starts with a keyframe (I-frame) this effectively dictates how regularly keyframes occurs in the output. The default is 30 frames. The optional *motion_output* parameter is only valid with the ``h264`` format and specifies that you wish to capture motion vector estimation data as well as video data. This will be stored in a separate file on the Compound Pi server. The optional *delay* parameter defaults to ``None`` which indicates that all servers should record video immediately upon receipt of the :ref:`protocol_capture` message. When using broadcast messages (when *addresses* is omitted) this typically results in near simultaneous recording, especially with fast, low latency networks like ethernet. .. note:: Note that this method merely causes the servers to record video. The captured video is stored in RAM on the servers for later retrieval with the :meth:`download` method. """ if delay: delay = time.time() + delay else: delay = None self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_record( length, format, quality, bitrate, intra_period, motion_output, delay), addresses)
list_line_re = re.compile( r'(?P<filetype>IMAGE|VIDEO|MOTION),' r'(?P<index>\d+),' r'(?P<time>\d+(\.\d+)?),' r'(?P<size>\d+)')
[docs] def list(self, addresses=None): """ Called to list files available for download from the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). The method returns a mapping of address to sequences of :class:`CompoundPiFile` which provide the index, capture timestamp, and size of each image available on the server. For example, to enumerate the total size of all files stored on all servers:: from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' client.servers.find(10) client.capture() size = sum( f.size for addr, files in client.list().items() for f in files ) print('%d bytes available for download' % size) """ responses = { address: [ self.list_line_re.match(line) for line in (data or '').splitlines() ] for (address, data) in self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_list(), addresses).items() } errors = [] result = {} for address, matches in responses.items(): result[address] = [] for match in matches: if match is None: errors.append(CompoundPiInvalidResponse(address)) else: result[address].append(CompoundPiFile('filetype'), int('index')), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float('time'))), int('size')), )) if errors: raise CompoundPiTransactionFailed( errors, '%d invalid lines in responses' % len(errors)) return result
[docs] def clear(self, addresses=None): """ Called to clear captured files from the RAM of the servers at the specified *addresses* (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). Currently the protocol for the :ref:`protocol_clear` message is fairly crude: it simply clears all captured files on the server; there is no method for specifying a subset of files to wipe. """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_clear(), addresses)
[docs] def identify(self, addresses=None): """ Called to cause the servers at the specified *addresses* to physically identify themselves (or all defined servers if *addresses* is omitted). Currently, the identification takes the form of the server blinking the camera's LED for 5 seconds. """ self.servers.transact(self._protocol.do_blink(), addresses)
[docs] def download(self, address, index, output): """ Called to download the image with the specified *index* from the server at *address*, writing the content to the file-like object provided by the *output* parameter. The :meth:`download` method differs from all other client methods in that it targets a single server at a time (attempting to simultaneously download files from multiple servers would be extremely inefficient). The available image indices can be determined by calling the :meth:`list` method beforehand. Note that downloading files from servers does *not* wipe the file from the server's RAM. Once all files have been successfully retrieved, you should use the :meth:`clear` method to free up memory on the servers. For example:: import io from compoundpi.client import CompoundPiClient with CompoundPiClient() as client: = '' # Capture an image on all servers client.capture() # Download all available files from all servers for addr, files in client.list().items(): for f in files: print('Downloading image %d from %s (%d bytes)' % ( f.index, addr, f.size, )) with'%s-%d.jpg' % (addr, f.index)) as f:, f.index, f) # Wipe all files on all servers client.clear() """ self._server.source = address self._server.output = output self._server.event.clear() # As download is a long operation that always targets a single server, # we re-purpose progress notifications from counting server responses # to counting bytes received save_progress = self._servers._progress self._servers._progress = CompoundPiProgressHandler() try: self.servers.transact( self._protocol.do_send(index, self.bind[1]), [address]) if not self._server.event.wait(self.servers.timeout): raise CompoundPiSendTimeout(address) elif self._server.exception: raise self._server.exception finally: self._server.source = None self._server.output = None self._server.exception = None self._servers._progress = save_progress
class CompoundPiDownloadHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler): def handle(self): if self.client_address[0] != str(self.server.source): warnings.warn(CompoundPiUnknownAddress(self.client_address[0])) else: size, = struct.unpack( native_str('>L'),'>L')))) self.server.output.truncate(size) self.server.progress.start(size) try: while self.server.output.tell() < size: data = if not data: raise CompoundPiSendTruncated(self.server.source) self.server.output.write(data) self.server.progress.update(self.server.output.tell()) except Exception as e: self.server.exception = e else: self.server.exception = None finally: self.server.progress.finish() self.server.event.set() class CompoundPiDownloadServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, socketserver.TCPServer): allow_reuse_address = True