2. Server Installation

The server component of Compound Pi can only be installed on the Raspberry Pi architecture. On Raspbian, the following command can be used to install the server package:

$ sudo apt-get install compoundpi-server


The Raspbian package will automatically install the cpid daemon in the boot sequence. This will make the camera inaccessible to other processes unless the daemon is manually stopped or prevented from starting.

On other platforms, the package can be installed from PyPI. First, ensure that you have the pip command installed (this is in the python-pip package on Debian and RedHat based distros). Use this to install compound pi, specifying the server option to pull in all dependencies required by the server component:

$ sudo pip install "compoundpi[server]"


The PyPI package does not include init-scripts (because it can’t). You will need to write these for your platform manually if you wish the daemon to start automatically on boot-up.

3. Client Installation

The client component of Compound Pi can be installed on any machine with Python available. On Ubuntu, the Waveform PPA can be used for simple installation:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:waveform/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install compoundpi-client

On Raspbian (assuming you want to use a Raspberry Pi as a client), use the same procedure as for Ubuntu (above) but omit the add-apt-repository step. Be aware that the GUI client is untested under Raspbian.

On other platforms, the package can be installed from PyPI. First, ensure that you have the pip command installed (this is in the python-pip package on Debian and RedHat based distros). Use this to install compound pi, specifying the client option to pull in all dependencies required by the client component:

$ sudo pip install "compoundpi[client]"


Currently, the version of client and server must match exactly. The client will not work with a different version server (either older or newer).